What would you say makes a good hospital administrator? Some attributes are obvious—for example, strong communicator, team player and effective negotiator.
Exceptional hospital administrators, however, possess a set of more advanced characteristics on top of these basic qualifications. These qualities help them ensure their organization is running as efficiently as possible and patients are completely satisfied with their hospital experience.
Here are four important traits every successful hospital administrator should have.
1. Analytical
Hospital administrators are bombarded with information every day from physicians, nurses and other staff members and third-party agencies such as insurance companies. They need to know how to quickly absorb and analyze this information and then determine how it should be used. Listening with an open mind and seeing each situation from a broader perspective are crucial for hospital success.
2. Proactive
A hospital environment is constantly changing, and administrators need to always be looking for ways to better their organization. They should consistently assess current hospital operations and identify areas for improvement. It’s important for them to be proactive and not reactive.
Hospital administrators should take advantage of all data at their disposal to recognize potential risks and then define short-term and long-term strategies to increase efficiency and provide the highest-quality patient care.
3. Resourceful
Hospital administrators won’t always have all of the personnel and capital they need, but resourceful hospital administrators know how to properly utilize what they do have. They should also evaluate the outcomes of their decisions and adjust as necessary.
A lack of certainty is also something administrators face on a regular basis, especially considering the dynamic healthcare marketplace. However, they must be adaptable and confidently make decisions when they may not have all the information they need but are facing a deadline.
4. Problem Solver
From settling staff disputes to addressing potential HIPAA violations, hospital administrators must be equipped to solve any number of problems quickly and efficiently. They must know the best ways to approach a conflict so as not to escalate the situation.
Hospital administrators with strong problem-solving skills know to follow these three guidelines:
- Remain objective
- Think creatively
- Ask for support when needed
While having strong interpersonal skills is critical for any hospital administrator, those looking to go above and beyond should work toward developing each of the traits above. Then, they can go from being satisfactory hospital administrators to extraordinary hospital administrators.
Looking for even more ways to become a stronger hospital administrator? Read our free guide, The Hospital Administrator’s Handbook: Understanding Medical Device Approvals, to learn how to confidently evaluate medical devices.